2017 has been a tough year for so many reasons. Lately it seems that tropical storms, earthquakes, fires and hurricanes just keep coming. I live in sunny California and while I may not have to face hurricanes, tornados and tropical storms I do have the harsh reality that any day now a massive earthquake could level my town. My heart truly goes out to all those affected in Texas, Florida, the Carribean and now Mexico. I cant imagine having to evacuate my home and never know if I will see it again. There were many who prepared and evacuated early. Then there were those who did nothing. What type of person are you? Are the planner, always ready at a moments notice or do you procastinate and wait til the last minute. Well, sure procasting housework is one thing but procrasting when warnings and notice are given could mean the difference of life or death for some. I strongly urge everyone to BE PREPARED. ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE PETS!!! It could save you or someone else. Im the over prepared person. I have more supplies for my boys Ziggy and Steven than I do for myself. In todays blog we are going to go over the basics that you should have both for you, your family and your pets.
The Federal government expects the public to be self-sufficient for 72 hours. In the case of a catastrophe, help or rescue may not even arrive until then. Please listen to officials that tell you to evacuate or be proactive, I know im not sticking around waiting for someone else to tell me to leave. If I feel my life or kitty's are in any sort of jeporady im outta here. Hotels that allow pets fill up quickly and so many people were leaving pets behind whether intential or not.
Having basic supplies ready for you and your family is key in this scenario:
• Water: one gallon per person, per day (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)
• Food: non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items (Canned Soups, MRE’s, protein bars etc. 3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home)
• Can Opener (if soups don’t have the tab to open, mine are in little boxes from Trader Joes)
• Flashlight
• Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible)
• Extra batteries
• First aid kit
• Medications (7-day supply) and medical items
• Multi-purpose tool
• Clothing & sturdy shoes
• Sanitation and personal hygiene items
• Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies)
• Cell phone with chargers
• Family and emergency contact information
• Extra cash (if card readers are down how are you going to pay for last minute items?)
• Emergency blanket
• Map(s) of the area
Now that we’ve gone over the basics for you, do you also have a kit prepared for your 4-legged family members? In disasters they have needs too! Tailor your kit to your dog, cat, rabbit, bird or snakes needs. Im not partial, all animals deserve a fighting chance! They rely on your for their daily needs and thats not going to change in an emergency. They will need you even more so. You can find links at the very bottom on where to purchase some of the items. Im not paid, just love them and I think you will too!
Here are some of things I have in my kitties’ emergency backpack:
• Food (dry and wet enough for a at least a week)
• Water (100 ounces purified/ filtered)
• Water and food Bowl (Mine is the Yummy Travel Bowl from SleepyPod which has 3 bowls that nest into 1. Dry food, wet food & water)
• 2 Blankets
• A couple toys
• Carrier(s) kept in the same location as my emergency kit
• Emergency Crate (kept at home for quick load in contains an extra blanket and a bed)
• Large Folding Crate/ Tent (mine is from Necoichi & comes with a litter box. Also kept in the same location as my emergency kit)* YES I HAVE 2!!
• Litter Box
• Litter
• Treats
• Cat first aid kit (available on amazon)
• Feliway (calming spray and or calming collars)
• Copies of microchip information
• Copies of their most up-to-date vet records (I get a new copy everytime they visit)
• Harness and retractable leash
• Collars (my boys dont wear collars since they are indoor cats but in an emergency those are very important in case you get seperated some how)
• List of pet friendly hotels in the area as well as other counties or states. You never know how far you will have to go.
Remember every pets needs are different, for exampe if you pet requires daily meds, speak to your vet on having extra on hand. Better to be over prepared than under.
Below are links to a few of the items I have in my boys kit. Im not paid, I just use and believe in these products!
3 in 1 food bowl- http://sleepypod.com/yummy
Calming Collar- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0083F8XVM
Calming Spray- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003E71E24
Emergency Crate-https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DHHC31C
Emergecy Folding Crate-Tent w/ Litter Box-https://www.amazon.com/Necoichi-Open-Carrier-Portable-Litter/dp/B00NHDTJMM/ref=sr_1_19?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1506044658&sr=1-19&keywords=necoichi